Safety Policy
Cantina Safety - Close up of someone typing on a laptop
close up of hands taking notes and several people at a table
Ensuring a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all users is at the core of our platform's philosophy. Because we are at the intersection of social and AI, it is paramount that we consider intent and context to ensure that engagement with bots is positive and in compliance with our safety policy.  

In order to develop policies that continuously keep our community safe while enabling them to freely explore their expansive creative potential through Cantina’s AI tools, we have to constantly understand emerging social issues and how they present themselves on our platform, and build feedback loops that improve our safety policies based on those insights.
Community Guidelines
While we want to enable new forms of creative expression and discussion, our Community Guidelines have been designed to set clear expectations with our users about what is allowed and what isn’t on our platform. We believe that a positive environment for creativity and connection begins with ensuring a space where users feel welcomed.

View our full Community Guidelines as well as our full Terms of Service.

Policy Priorities

Below are the policy priorities we have outlined in our Community Guidelines as our platform evolves.

Safe Social Spaces

We promote diversity and inclusivity in a social environment to protect human dignity and prevent real world harm. Hate speech, discrimination, harassment, and bullying are strictly prohibited.

View our Community Guidelines

Responsible Use of AI

Building clear provenance and accountability for how users leverage AI tools with policies and operations to enforce our standards.

View our Generative AI image policy


Protecting user privacy is paramount. We work hard to develop features and policies that safeguard user privacy, provide transparency, and work with experts and our community to ensure our platform continues to meet user expectations and comply with privacy statutes.

View our current privacy policy

Intellectual Property

Users must respect copyright and trademark laws. We provide our users with in-product education around Intellectual Property and we follow DMCA notice and takedown procedures.

If your IP is being used without permission, please submit a content takedown request using our DMCA takedown form

Cantina Safety - photo of people's handsworking at a table and one woman at a white board
Collaboration and Transparency
Our Trust & Safety team must master the art of understanding context. To accomplish this our product teams, and T&S teams, have regular feedback loops with our community of users to understand their needs and concerns. In addition, we collaborate with expert organizations, partners, and lawmakers in a vast array of abuse issues in order to refine  our policies, and remain at the forefront of safeguarding against the tactics of bad actors to date on bad actors tactics.

Our commitment to our community is to always aim for safety. We may not always be able to share the full details of our policies to prevent bad actors from exploiting loopholes or attempting to break the spirit of our policies. However, our Community Guidelines will always set out to reflect what is and isn’t allowed on Cantina, and why.
Cantina Safety - photo of people's handsworking at a table
How to Report
We make reporting as easy as possible for users in our app to ensure they can alert us of potential violative content.

Read more about how to report offensive content in app.

Additionally, as mentioned above we have a DMCA takedown process for any content that have copyright violations. Anyone can make a request to begin that process by filling out our DMCA takedown form.

Lastly, for any additional support requests our team is always ready to answer questions which you can do by filling out our support form or by reaching out to